WBF Lifetime Members
Thank You to our Lifetime Members

Becoming a Lifetime Member is an investment in the Wrightsville Beach Foundation
and represents a continued commitment to the advancement of the WBF mission.

Maggie Ardema
Blockade Runner
Steve & Jan Capps
David & Mimi Cook
Vicki Dull
Zac & Dawn Fowler
Robin Higgins
Lance Hutchens Jr
Jeffrey & Natalie Klockars
Steve Mitzel
Debbie Owens
Magda Ratajski
John & Jean Sandlin
Anne & Robert Stokley
Janet Wilson
David Young & Janet Wilson
Jody Becker
Jim Brooks
Sam & Christine Catlett
Sue Crisp
Thomas R & Lorraine Falcone
Charles Frederick
Ashley Hutchens
Walker Hutchens
Tom & Susan Laughon
Hank Miller
Pat Prince
Victoria Roberts
Michelle Savard
Lisa Weeks
Lelon & Marybeth Winstead
Greg & Cheryl Blackwell
David & Linda Brown
David & Susan Cignotti
Eric & Betsy Davis
Mike & Mary Flinn
Charles Frederick
Lance Hutchens
Patrick & Lauren Kennedy
Masonboro Advisors
Patrick Nugent
Mary Louise Ramsey
Joan Rohland
Laura Siegmund
Doug Wilson
Wrightbythesea LLC
Thanks to the community for your support